2023 is going to be EPIC for The Australian Huntsman channel!

Australian Hunting Videos

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I was incredibly blessed in 2022 to have some incredible hunting trips and experiences. I got to meet some amazing people and hunt some epic animals. 2023 is right around the corner and things aren’t slowing down here on this channel any time soon. In fact, 2023 is going to be my biggest year of hunting so far. So strap in!

In January I’ll be hunting Red deer in southern NSW. In February I’ll be hunting Sambar in the Victorian High Country with Matty from Ultimate hunting and his dogs. In early March I’ll be hunting squirrel in Indonesia (yep, you read that correctly) and in late march I’ll be flying up to Sydney to hunt goat with my mate Alex up in the surround rugged mountains. Mid April will see me heading up to the NT for what I’m sure will be an epic water buffalo and scrub bull hunt and then in July I’ll be heading back to Queensland to hunt some deer, goats and pigs. All up it’s set to be an incredible year of hunting and content and new experiences that I hope you can join me on.

A BIG thank you to everyone who watched a video, subscribed, listened to a podcast or joined the Australian Hunters club. I’m excited for 2023 with the growth of our community and difference we will continue to make in our Australian hunting culture, making it a more positive and welcoming place for all.


– Australian Hunters Club 2023 update – https://youtu.be/BJmhPMz-oNk.
– Australian Hunters Club website – https://australianhunters.com.au

Here’s to an epic and growth filled 2023!



#EPIC #Australian #Huntsman #channel

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