Mix 700 grams of venison mince with 300 grams of pork fat mince.
Measure out and add 5 grams of No Salt Cure into mince mix.
Measure out and add 50 grams of Wild Boar Rub into mince mix.
Add two table spoons of Maple Syrup into mince mix.
Add half a cup of water into mince mix and mix with your hands until it’s tacky.
Spray the inside of the meat press with oil and line with glad wrap.
Add mince mix into meat press, making sure that there are no air pockets in your meat block.
Once your meat is inside the meat press cover with the top with glad wrap and racket the meat press lid down until it’s firmly in place.
Then put the meat press into the fridge overnight.
Once the mince has had 12 hours in the fridge take it out out of the mould by shaking the meat press upside down until the meat block slides out. Then remove the glad wrap and baste the surfaces of the meat with Maple Syrup.
Place your meat loaf onto a smoking tray and place in a smoker at 130°C for 1 hour, then raise the temperature by 10°C every hour until the meats internal temperature reaches 70°C and is fully cooked, continuing to baste the meat with Maple Syrup as required. The total cook/smoke time should be between 2-3 hours.
Once cooked place the meat back into the fridge for 12 hours.
After 12 hours you can now take your cooked meat load out of the fridge, cut into long strips with a 1cm width and fry in a hot pan of oil.
Serve with eggs, toast and your favourite breakfast foods.