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DPI NSW are currently running a survey that is designed at helping them gain access to critical information about our hunting activities that can then be used to lobby state government for better hunting laws and access.
The end date survey is Sunday 23rd October at 11:59pm. It is open to all licensed AND unlicensed hunters who are over 18 and have been hunting in NSW in the past 12 months.
It’s a great way to advocate for change and strengthen the lifestyle we all know and love. You can learn more about the survey below.
In 2017 DPI Hunting commissioned a survey to estimate the economic contribution of recreational hunting to the NSW economy. Based on the responses received, it was estimated that recreational hunting by NSW Game Hunting Licence holders accounted for $119 million of Gross State Product and 860 jobs within the NSW economy.
In addition, the 207,000 non-game licence holders account for between $446 m and $1,366 m of Gross State Product and between 3,932 and 11,572 jobs which is awesome!
A similar survey has been commissioned for 2022, which is being conducted by RMCG, EconSearch, and Action Market Research.
NSW Game Hunting Licence holders will receive an email with a personalised link to the survey, but we also hope to capture non-licensed hunters too! If you are a non-licensed hunter and would like to participate in the survey, please visit the below link:
Survey URL:
The 2022 NSW Recreational Hunting Economic Impact Survey runs from Monday 26 September 2022 to Monday 17 October, 11:59 pm and is open to all hunters. It will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete the questionnaire and participation in the survey is voluntary.
All responses will remain confidential as Action Market Research will collate, analyse, interpret and report on the data ensuring that DPI Hunting only sees the aggregated and not individual responses.
At the conclusion of the survey, the final report will be posted on the DPI Hunting website.
It’s important for as many NSW Hunters as possible complete the survey honestly, this will ensure the final results are an accurate reflection of the economic impact of recreational hunting in NSW for 2022.
You can read the 2017 Economic impact of recreational hunting in NSW report here.
#Australian #hunters #opportunity #change #action #required