Don’t shoot the kid! NSW feral goat hunt | S01 E01 The Australian Huntsman

Season 1

Video description:

Don’t shoot the kid! NSW feral goat hunt
S01 E01 The Australian Huntsman

I’ve head some people say that goats are easy pickings, but I enjoy the challenge of getting up real close, taking my time & picking out my ideal target from a herd. Something that is much harder with a flighty species like deer. When the animal is more forgiving I’ve found you can moderate the difficulty of your hunt by taking bigger chances, increasing your satisfaction when you bring one down.

Recently my freezer was looking a little empty so I headed up to the beautiful northern tablelands of NSW in the hopes of bagging a meat goat or two & boy was it fun! Ended up going with my mate Dwayne from Wild Safari leveraging his knowledge of the area which proved to be vital.

After spending the first day scouting on day two I managed to bag 2 nannies for the freezer. Got a head shot on the first, but nicked the larger nanny on her back leg as she sprang behind a tree right as I took my shot. I followed her blood trail and managed to find her bedded down. Things got a bit dicey when I realised she had a kid with her who refused to leave. After a bit of waiting I got a clear neck shot on the nanny and brought her down with the kid running off to join the rest of the herd.

Timestamps are below to skill through the episode.


00:00 – Intro
00:50 – MacPherson-Macleay Overlap
02:15 – Scouting the hunting territory
02:45 – Finding beds on game trails
04:22 – The beauty of glassing
05:15 – How scat can tell you the direction an animal is moving
06:26 – Jerome misses his flight!
07:49 – Hunting with the buggy
08:19 – Bumping a herd of goats
10:05 – Locating the wounded nanny goat
11:14 – Recovering the goat
12:23 – A lesson in being prepared
13:13 – Episode 2 preview – The feral goat hattrick! Getting the billy.


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Contributors & Attribution

Hunting Australia, Australian Hunting, Hunting New South Wales, Hunting Queensland, Aussie hunter, Australian hunter, The Australian Huntsman, Hunting NSW, Goat Hunting, Goat Hunt, Feral Goat Hunt, Goat Meat Hunt, Hunting Goats, Australian Goat Hunt, Hunting Goats In Australia, Meat hunt, Chris Waters, The Huntsman.


#Dont #shoot #kid #NSW #feral #goat #hunt #S01 #E01 #Australian #Huntsman

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