Harvesting honey from bees with my son…at the end of winter? (not an Australian hunting video)

Australian Hunting Videos

Video description:

First up, (and probably most importantly) my eldest son Eli says hi. Moving on. So, as you can tell from the title this isn’t an Australian hunting video. I had to drain some of the frames in the bee hive (in winter strangely enough) and I figured some of you might be interested in seeing how we do this on our little farm-stay acreage. This kind of content is not something I’m going to do often, but maybe every now and again I might produce a non hunting video. Who knows!

My reasoning is that a lot of us hunt for the harvest of clean organic meat. We value the hard work and knowledge that’s required to harvest, and really it’s not so different with growing veggies or getting honey from bees. It all comers back to principals of self sustainability.

So yeah, rant over haha. Next week I’ll be back with more hunting content. But for now hopefully you can enjoy this video.

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#Harvesting #honey #bees #sonat #winter #Australian #hunting #video

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