Rusa deer stag hunt | Hunting Australia

Season 2 Bonus Episode

Join Chris Waters (The Huntsman) as he joins his friends Brad, Scott and KC on a Rusa deer stag hunt in Queensland, Australia. The hunt features a bunch of deer hunting action, as well as a social pig who won’t let the crew go anywhere without him.

Watch the main episode

This is a small snippet out of a much larger Australian billy goat and Rusa deer hunt . You can watch the full episode 7 hunting video here.

Watch all episodes here from Season 2

Season 2 episodes

The Australian Hunters Club

If you want to connect with like-minded hunters, go in the draw to win Australian guided hunters and hunting products every month, or hunt with locals you should check out the Australian Hunters Club. We are a diverse and authentic nationwide hunting club of like-minded & passionate Aussie hunters who care about hunting & the life and fullness it provides. New hunters & veterans, deer, waterfowl, pig, fox, rabbit, large game hunters, all hunters are welcome.

Hunting Australia, Hunting Rusa Deer, Stag hunting, Hunting Deer Australia, Hunting Stags Australia, The Huntsman, Australian Hunters, Australian Hunter, Chris Waters, Hunting Downunder, Hunting Down Under, Hunting in Australia, Deer Hunting, Rusa Stag Hunt, Deer Hunting, Hunting Rusa Deer, Rusa Stag

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