Sambar spiker deer skull and a fleshy hide… In a box?

Australian Hunting Videos

Video description:

Just a quick video for you. I’ve been waiting for a package from Australia Post in the mail and today it finally came. The question is, what’s in the box? Tune in to find out.

Oh, screw it. I’ll just tell you. In the box is the Sambar deer skull and fleshy hide, sent to me by Grant from The Bald Chef. It was the Sambar I shot while hunting with Gordon from @North east Experience a few weeks ago. I shoot the deer so it could be used for a game animal cooking and butchering workshop being run on Gordon’s property. because they needed the animal whole for the workshop I couldn’t take it home. But now that the course is over Grant was kind enough to send me the skull as well as the hide. Turns out he did a fantastic job skinning the Sambar, it won’t require much fleshing to prepare it for tanning.

If you want to watch the Sambar spiker hunt you can check out this video

In this video I also mentioned a hunt I did in South Australia where i shot a fallow buck. If you’re keen to check out that video you can here

Hunting Australia, Australian Hunting, Hunting Victoria, Hunting New South Wales, Hunting Queensland, Aussie hunter, Australian hunter, The Australian Huntsman, Hunting VIC, Hunting NSW, Hunting QLD, Deer Hunter, Deer Hunting, Goat Hunter, Goat Hunting, Pig Hunter, Pig Hunting, Duck Hunter, Duck Hunting, State Forrest Hunting, Public Land Hunting, High Country Hunting, Sambar Hunt, Hunting Sambar, Sambar Deer, Sambar Stag, Sambar Spiker


#Sambar #spiker #deer #skull #fleshy #hide #box

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