Video description:
A big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to comment on videos these last couple of months.
Reading your comments every day and hearing your stories and answering questions is a lot fun. In celebration of this fact I’ve put together what I’m hoping will be the first in a series of videos where I share the best stories/comments from our Australian hunting community that have come through the comments or have been sent to me via email.
In this video I share an email from a self declared poacher from SA, the story of a poachers car being dragged into a ditch by landowner, thoughts on gun safety and rifle barrel direction and a bunch more. So if you are a fan of Australian hunting stories or a good yarn you’ll be sure to enjoy this video.
If you want to get your comments featured on future videos be sure to comment on future videos, or email me via website.
– Chris Waters.
#declared #poacher #writes #Australian #hunting #stories #Vol