Twilight goat & Rusa deer hunting adventure | The Huntsman | Season 2 | Episode 7

Season 2

Ask any mature hunter and you’ll hear the same answer: the joy you feel when you witness your friend having successfully hunted an animal is far greater than the joy you would have felt had you been the one to pull the trigger. The reason for this selflessness goes deep into the roots of what drives hunters to hunt. In this episode of The Huntsman Chris and KC are back for another Australian hunting adventure . Continuing off the back of their successful camel hunt it’s KC’s turn to fill the freezer and he’s got his sights set on both wild goat and rusa deer.

In these moments, the joy comes from knowing you’ve played a part in someone else’s achievement. It’s a selfless joy that resonates deeper and lasts longer. This is what makes hunting more than just a sport—it’s a way of life that fosters respect, gratitude, and an enduring sense of community.

Bonus Episode

Not all of the footage from this hunt made it into the final cut. To see what you missed out on check out this bonus episode


The Australian Hunters Club

If you want to connect with like-minded hunters, go in the draw to win Australian guided hunters and hunting products every month, or hunt with locals you should check out the Australian Hunters Club. We are a diverse and authentic nationwide hunting club of like-minded & passionate Aussie hunters who care about hunting & the life and fullness it provides. New hunters & veterans, deer, waterfowl, pig, fox, rabbit, large game hunters, all hunters are welcome.

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