You’re invited to join with me in shaping a positive Australian hunting culture.

Australian Hunting Videos

Video description:

When I started The Australian Huntsman hunting channel on Jun 7, 2021 I came in with a simple goal. I wanted to document some of my hunting experiences, learnings, thoughts and encourage other Australian hunters to do the same.

I’ve always been optimistic and someone who chooses to invest time in other people, believing that the best things we can do in this life involve people & relationship. Family, friends & community, these are the important things in life. So setting up a space where Australian hunters could comment and share there thoughts about our hunting culture, their experiences, victories and questions made perfect sense.

Since starting the channel I’ve discovered thousands of Aussie hunters who like me share these ideals, but feel disconnected from the hunting community, afraid that their optimism, openness in caring for others and desire to share small victories might ostracise them from the greater community which at times can appear closed off, pessimistic or harsh to the observer. I’ve discovered that for new hunters breaking into this lifestyle and finding mentors and friends is especially difficult. The fear of being judged is ever present for new hunters, hiding below the surface, preventing connection. Am I good enough? What will people think if I share this… How do I get started? Do I look like an idiot?

For these people, and many others the YouTube channel has become a hub where hunters can openly express themselves without fear of judgement or labelling. A place where all hunters are valued no matter what level of experience they have or what background they come from. A place where vulnerability and a thirst for knowledge and learning isn’t scoffed at, but celebrated and championed.

Now, I’m ready to take the next step and turn this hub into a staging ground. To take what’s happening on YouTube into the real world.

On January 1st 2022 I started a hunting club. A club that embodies, encourages and champions the values I’ve mentioned above, respect, care, learning and relationship. A club free from the politicising and infighting that plagues many Australian hunting organising. A club that I’m hoping will help positively shape the Australian hunting club. A club that I want to invite you to join.

Are you going to join me in helping to positively shape Australian hunting culture?

If so head over to to learn more or take action.

– Chris Waters


#Youre #invited #join #shaping #positive #Australian #hunting #culture

Watch the Huntsman videos on YouTube

Or search ” The Huntsman “ in YouTube